An organisation with Vision

Latest News

SLBWA offers Japanese Medical Touch Therapy, Shiatsu, which uses finger and palm pressure to stimulate certain points on the body.
・Improve Circulation
・Release Tension
・Balance The Body’s Energy
・Promote Physical and Emotional Health
~How to Book~
Scan the QR code on the flyer
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Saint Lucia Blind Welfare Association is relentless in its pursuit of inclusive services to blind and impaired persons. The impact of blindness affects everyone. Saint Lucia Blind Welfare Association cannot work alone. We appeal to you to help us achieve two important goals:

  1. Participate in the drive for the elimination of avoidable blindness by the year 2020
  2. Help us empower persons whose sight cannot be restored, with  necessary tools and skills for life.

“your eyes are for life, take care of them” 
Anthony Avril,
OBE, Executive Director-SLBWA

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